A COVID-19 Update from ViewSonic

Dear Valued Customer,

First and foremost, we hope that this letter reaches you in good health.

ViewSonic is focused on the health and well-being of our employees, customers and vendors. We are closely monitoring communication from health officials and government leaders, and we continue to do our part to help stop the spread of coronavirus. While the majority of our workforce is now working remotely, we have also increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing our offices and warehouse facilities, put additional contingency plans in place, canceled our travel plans, and continue to monitor this very fluid emergency.

With the spread of COVID-19, many schools and universities are not only preparing for extended school shutdowns, but educators are urgently exploring the possibility of distance learning. ViewSonic is supporting schools, educators, students and parents in this very trying time by offering our myViewBoard software free to students and teachers. Learn more here https://www.viewsonic.com/us/distance-learning-overview and download myViewBoard software here https://myviewboard.com

At this time, our facilities will be functional to ship products to our customers and partners. With that said, we are taking every precaution to meet and exceed social distancing and government recommendations to ensure that our staff is safe.

Our sales and marketing teams continue to support customers by leveraging digital communication instead of in-person visits, trade shows, and events. Our customer support teams are fully functional via remote office technologies, and are ready to help you with any questions and technical requests.

However, given this rapidly evolving situation, there is a possibility that our services become challenged, particularly as state and federal authorities implement new protocols and procedures. We will provide frequent updates on the status of our operations should there be any changes. Please rest assured our web site will be updated frequently.

We truly appreciate your business. We remain committed to providing the support that you have come to expect from us, and we are here to help move your business forward.

Be safe. Be smart. And stay healthy!


Jeff Volpe, President, ViewSonic Americas
