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6 Ways to Boost Classroom Productivity with Interactive Flat Panels


Interactive flat panels consistently improve productivity in classrooms. From improved organization to gamification to direct automation, this tech is extremely useful in so many ways. And take a look at #5 to make assessment less of a chore.

Read our full list of six ways interactive flat panels can improve your class’s productivity. Or learn more about ViewSonic’s interactive displays for classrooms here.

Would you say that your classroom productivity is high?

As time has gone on, our society has become more and more results-oriented.

We know, it’s tough.

Whether it’s in the classroom or in the workplace, sometimes it’s necessary for productivity to see a boost. 

That’s where interactive flat panel displays come in. Thanks to the implementation of technology into the classroom, research has discovered that these tools boost productivity for teachers and students alike. 

However, the simple presence of interactive flat panel displays does not automatically yield the results you may be looking for. Instead, proper use and planning are of paramount importance. 

What that said, we’ve gone ahead and listed, in no particular order, 6 Productivity-Boosting Uses for Interactive Flat Panels in the Classroom. 

Interactive Flat Panels

1. Utilize Collaboration Features

If your aim is to boost productivity in the classroom whilst using interactive flat panels, look no further than their collaboration features. It’s been proven that when students work together, they learn together. That is to say that when students collaborate, they will likely grasp the subject matter at a faster pace. Therefore, if students are learning faster, then you can go through the curriculum at a more efficient clip, thus boosting overall productivity. 

Interactive flat panel collaboration features function on two levels – classroom organization and student co-learning. In the case of the latter, these features include file-sharing, sharable annotations, and digital classroom forums, among others. Fair warning — When it comes down to it, these tools enable will enhance productivity when implemented in a productive manner. If done so without proper planning and training, then don’t expect the results you may be looking for. 

2. Face the Front 

In the theater, they say to never turn your back on the audience. The same goes for teaching. You might have the students completely engaged, but if you turn your back on them for even a moment, they might be lost to you. Between that and the time it takes to get back on track, turning your back is an incredibly inefficient in-class action. Unfortunately, for a long time, it was unavoidable. This was primarily due to the reality of whiteboards and chalkboards the world over – you have to turn your back to write on them.

Given the rise of interactive flat panels in the classroom, constant front-facing education has become possible! By controlling an interactive flat panel by way of a smaller screen present on your teaching podium, teachers will never again have to turn their backs on their classes. As a result, if all else goes well, your students’ attention will not be lost. For those teachers aiming to boost productivity in the classroom, this is definitely a factor to consider. 

3. Integrate Multimedia Aids

It may seem obvious, but not all students learn best in the same way. Some might excel when they ‘learn by doing’, while others might learn best when confronted with visuals and/or audio. For a long time, however, teachers were limited by classroom resources and a certain utilitarian philosophy – the greatest good for the greatest number. While that certainly allowed for streamlined lesson planning, classroom productivity was ultimately hindered since those students who were ill-suited to that single teaching method often fell behind. 

That’s where interactive flat panels come in. In conjunction with proper use, resource limitations will become a thing of the past and, as a result, will boost classroom productivity. The integration of multimedia aids, whether it be video clips or illustrative images is seamless. This comes in contrast to the old days when the act of introducing a video took finding a TV, rewinding the VCR, and so on. When it comes down to it, the use of interactive flat panels to integrate multimedia aids will ensure that all students are accommodated, thereby eliminating the potential time wasted when spent catching students up. 

4. Make Education a Game

Remember how not all students learn the same way? Bearing that in mind, it stands to reason that not all students absorb new content when communicated via a dry classroom lecture. Teachers who rely on this single teaching style often struggle with maintaining student engagement, particularly when students are on the younger side. This, inherently, can lead to a decline in classroom productivity. As a result, it’s easy to understand why gamification has become so popular in the education world. 

Interactive flat panels, if nothing else, make the introduction of in-class games as simple as possible. With just a little preparation and click of a button, teachers can implement subject-relevant games, presented in front of the whole class, in order to promote student engagement and incentivization. A popular example of this is Jeopardy!, which is a game commonly used for pre-test review. In that regard, when students are engaged so they can excel at a game, teachers will find that classroom productivity spikes in turn.  

5. Pop Goes the Quiz

When you were in school, teachers probably used to say that quizzes and tests were only there to help them gauge how well the class was understanding the material. Although this was indeed true, the fact remains that the introduction of a quiz or test never fails to induce a wave of groans. Now, consider for a moment the productivity that was lost, both on the part of the teachers and the students, by the creation, dissemination, reluctance, and completion of these examinations. What a waste. 

With that in mind, what if the load could be lightened for all involved? Of course, exams will never be fully eliminated, but interactive flat panels can certainly make the experience more productive. Instead of preparing and copying a quiz, a common feature of IFPs involves the easy implementation of on-the-fly comprehension questions. By placing those at strategic points throughout the lesson, there should be no reason to create or pass out an analog quiz paper, thus boosting classroom efficiency.

Interactive Flat Panels

6. Automate Classroom Management 

As a teacher, consider the amount of time wasted, in every lesson, on mundane administrative tasks. From grading to assignment collection and attendance, these tasks sum up to a not-insignificant number of minutes that could otherwise be spent engaging in instruction. It’s a pity, yes, and a massive drain on classroom productivity, but it’s also a phenomenon that is easily resolved by the integration of an interactive flat panel into the classroom. 

One of the greatest accomplishments of our technologically advanced era is that of automation. Now, machines and artificial intelligence can operate factories, take restaurant orders, and ship packages. The same takeover is being applied to education, where interactive flat panels are facilitating the automation of the aforementioned tedious administrative tasks. The time that was once wasted on grading and taking attendance can now be spent teaching. If you engage in these processes, you’ll find that your classroom’s productivity has been irrevocably improved, all thanks to interactive flat panels. 


Interactive flat displays in the classroom enhance communication between teachers and students and encourage collaboration amongst classmates. By integrating technology into learning spaces, you are bringing a whole host of benefits to your students and their learning outcomes.

Read about how technology like interactive whiteboards can help increase student engagement in this article. Or learn more about ViewSonic ViewBoards for your classroom here.