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The Face-to-Face Model of Blended Learning Explained

The idea behind the face-to-face model of blended learning is to use online resources to train and educate individuals who may require additional assistance on specific issues. Simultaneously, the mainstay of the teaching is conducted by the teacher presenting to the entire group. The other main aspect of the face-to-face model is that it will often be used to stretch high achievers beyond the teacher’s standard learning.

Read on to learn about how the face-to-face model of blended learning is so advantageous to a wide range of students or visit the ViewSonic education solutions page for further insights. 

The face-to-face model of blended learning has become increasingly popular in many educational settings. The majority of teaching remains conventional insofar as it will be delivered to a group (usually a class defined by educational level) by an individual (usually a teacher). Digital technologies are only deployed within this model of blended learning to augment or add context to teacher-led education. Although the face-to-face model can be used to further the education of any student, the approach tends to be favored for the outliers of a group, either as a revision-aid to help students who may have fallen behind or to offer greater learning opportunities to the brightest students.

The Face-to-Face Model of Blended Learning Explained

What is the Face-to-Face Model of Blended Learning?

As its name implies, the face-to-face model of blended learning involves a great deal of student-teacher interaction. It is primarily, although not exclusively, delivered through classroom teaching, where students will be in physical attendance along with a number of their contemporaries. It is suited to all ages of students, too, from junior schools up to those who are in adult education receiving remedial instruction. In some educational systems, the face-to-face model of blended learning is referred to as the face-to-face driver model. There is no distinction between the two terms, and they are often used interchangeably.

In the face-to-face model, nearly all of the education that is delivered will be offline. This means that it will be given to students in person in the same way that traditional education has always operated. The online elements are there to try and deal with specific issues that may arise for certain students. For example, if a student has started to become disruptive because they have become bored, then a teacher might use an online resource to re-engage that particular student.

This might be the case because the student in question has already mastered the concepts in the lesson plan and is left unchallenged by the teaching that the rest of the class is receiving. In such cases, rather than allowing disruptive behavior to interfere with the majority of the students’ education, a teacher might elect to try the face-to-face model for the most advanced students by setting them more challenging work online. This could be within the classroom while the rest of the student body continues to give their attention to the teacher.

It might also be the case that a teacher needs to continue with the education of the class so that they can achieve a certain standard by the end of a term. However, if they are constantly having to go back to assist students who are struggling, then the progress of the rest of the class may be held back. In such cases, adopting an online face-to-face model may be of use. In this scenario, digital equipment might be used by less well-achieving students to run through reminder sessions online or to cover the ground that they may have missed earlier in the academic year.

In this sense, the face-to-face model is really a blended learning approach that is used to supplement standard pedagogical techniques. It uses in-classroom technology, such as a class tablet, to act as a teaching resource for individual students in such a way that the rest of the class can make solid progress with face-to-face teaching.

What are the Benefits of the face-to-face Model?

The face-to-face model is particularly beneficial when it is deployed among high-achieving students who may feel they are being stifled by continuing at the class’s average pace and capacity for learning. It is equally useful for students who are behind the average learning rate and need extra help. The only difference with the face-to-face model is that such additional assistance is offered via digital means rather than by the teacher or teaching assistant directly.

The main advantage for educators is that the model provides a straightforward means of supporting all students’ needs in an adaptable way. By utilizing the latest educational software tools, teachers can continue to support the needs of the majority of their students directly while not becoming too distracted by the needs of students at either end of the educational scale.

The Face-to-Face Model of Blended Learning Explained

How to Implement a Face-to-Face Model

Because it does not need more than a few digital devices to be available in the classroom for students to use, the face-to-face model of blended learning is relatively inexpensive to deploy. Handheld devices, as well as common computer terminals that have access to online educational resources, are enough to proceed. Headphones are also useful where students will be listening to educational content via videos, for example, since these will allow the rest of the in-classroom face-to-face teaching to continue without distractions.

In most cases, the face-to-face model allows students to complete work that the rest of the class is not doing at the same time, within the same physical setting. It is also possible that some digitally assigned learning tasks will be completed at home. If the face-to-face model is used in this way, students will need to either have compatible computer equipment at home or be able to borrow the school’s digital resources.

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Final Thoughts on the Face-to-Face Model

A key aspect of the face-to-face model of blended learning is that it allows standard educational techniques to continue to drive engagement. It is a model of blended learning that is associated with traditional teaching methods because it uses digital technology to facilitate lesson delivery without undue interruptions, all for the greater good of the whole class.

If you are interested in learning more about blended learning, we cover the topic in its entirety here. Or, if you would like further insights into the relationship between technology and learning, please feel free to visit the Viewsonic education solutions page.

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