Video-assisted learning is becoming increasingly common. In fact, our own research has shown that the majority of teachers use videos as an educational tool at least occasionally. However, certain challenges keep coming up. Teachers have difficulty finding and curating appropriate video content. Luckily, we have a handy list of both free and premium video resources for you below.
Continue reading for tips and tricks that will bring your video-assisted learning to the next level. Or go straight to myViewBoard Clips for an educational video solution.
Effectively using educational videos could become a large burden or blessing to teachers. From our recent whitepaper Video-Assisted Learning Insights: The Struggle for Teachers to Access Video Content, we have found that an incredible 96% of teachers surveyed are using videos in their classrooms. Educational videos are absolutely a part of today’s lesson plans but to use them effectively is not an easy task.
3 Insights on the Educational Video Use by Teachers
1. Videos are not replacing entire lessons but used to stimulate discussion and liven up lessons. Teachers report that the length of videos preferred is generally 2 to 10 minutes according to 79% of teachers surveyed.
2. Teachers are also not abusing the use of videos as a form of reward or entertainment for students. Eighty-four percent of teachers said they only use videos strictly or mostly related to the curriculum being taught.
3. In addition, 90% of teachers are using videos to engage students by asking them questions to encourage participation in the classroom.
3 Problems with Educational Video Identified by Teachers
Although teachers have identified videos as an important educational teaching tool, we have also identified many problems and bottlenecks:
1. Quality, inappropriate content, advertisement, and copyrights from free Internet resources: Eighty-four percent of teachers reported that they use YouTube and 61% of teachers actively search Google for websites to find the videos they need.
2. Blocked Internet access and websites: Another 30% of teachers reported they have a hard time accessing videos saying that their school’s blocks or limits access to the internet and certain websites.
3. Time to prepare: Teachers are also struggling with their current workload and time management. Over 60% of teachers report feeling frustrated sometimes in their search for the right educational videos.
Take a look at 5 Myths About Video Learning to learn more about problems and misconceptions around video learning.
4 Key Aspects Teachers Are Looking for in an Educational Video Solution
Our survey identified four key aspects teachers want from an educational video platform. The solution teachers want needs to:
1. Provide video suggestions (71%) – Recommend content that would match the search inquiry
2. Ability to organize (67%) – Permit teachers to organize videos into groups and store videos
3. Ability to edit (62%) – Allow teachers to edit videos such as shortening, cutting, dubbing, etc.
4. Ability to share (56%) – Permit teachers to share videos without worry over copyrights
6-step Guide: How to Use Educational Videos Effectively
Considering the insights identified in our whitepaper we recommend that teachers follow a guideline when using videos in their lesson planning:
1. Identify the main topic of the lesson and draft the presentation outline
2. Take notes of key points and resources that may help emphasize the learning outcome wanted. Choose from the following resource types:
- Text (textbook sections, quotes, definitions, etc.)
- Graphics (drawings, pictures, illustrations, etc.)
- Videos(animations, news clips, documentaries, etc.)
- Personal stories and examples
- Quotes and examples from peers
3. For videos specifically began with:
- Note the learning outcomes sought and the audience/students’ needs
- Note the ideal video source, video type, and length.
Consider the constraints you may have within the lesson to deliver the video successfully such as available time, technology, and classroom design.
- Note what questions to ask at different intervals within the video and if you need to pause the video to ask questions or wait till the end.
- Brainstorm additional activities leading up to the video or after the video such as a poll, quiz, summary, homework, or group activity.
4. Conduct the video search on your trusted video resource list such as Youtube, TED, Udemy, Khan Academy, and Coursera. If you cannot find anything from your trusted video resource list, go to Google search to see what else is available online.
- Always test the video to see if the content is useable, the link works, and if there are any advertisements, popups, and other unwanted materials that may be seen by students.
- Find different video options that may work.
- Select a video that meets your requirements identified earlier.
5. Place selected videos into your presentation and test.
Test to see if the video will work within the presentation once saved.
Create back-ups to access your video if the first option does not work when needed such as a video link, downloaded copy to a USB, downloaded copy to your Cloud server, or email the video to yourself.
Test your presentation and video in the classroom to see if it plays correctly and the classroom equipment works such as the screen, projector, digital whiteboard, microphone, and speakers.
6. Finalize your lesson plans and delivery notes to include notes to play the video, questions to ask, and other activities to conduct before and after the video
- Consider creating a backup plan if the video and all back-up video sources fail
Start to build your own list of educational videos providers here: 18 Unexpected Free Educational Videos Website for Teachers
The Case for New Educational Video Platforms
Many steps in the guideline above can be shortened and streamlined if teachers have better resources for educational videos. The current alternatives and solutions to educational video searching are few and lacking. New solutions need to be developed which will help teachers to safely, seamlessly and quickly create engaging lessons that incorporate educational videos.
These video-assisted learning platforms need to have curated content that is meant for educational subjects and learning, while also being usable by teachers without advertisements and copyrights restrictions. Teachers need help with finding videos that can easily be used in lessons, engage students, and encourage participation.
The key aspects of the solution our survey identified are to provide tailored video suggestions to cut downtime and efforts for the teachers. Moreover, this solution needs to enable teachers with the ability to quickly organize, edit, and share videos to provide a complete solution.
Currently, there are several platforms that provide educational videos mostly created in-house by their own or partnered content producers such as TED, Open Culture, and Academic Earth. These resources are more trustworthy than other online resources because they are education orientated and content providers are normally highly respectable contributors in their fields.
Viewsonic’s Solution to Educational Videos
As a dedicated education solution provider, ViewSonic has developed our own video-assisted learning platform to provide teachers using our digital whiteboarding solutions the best tools to prepare exciting content, present engaging lessons, and encourage participation in the classroom.
Our solution is to create a video-assisted learning platform for educational videos that teachers can use without concern over advertisements, inappropriate content, copyrights, sharing, and restrictions. Check out myViewBoard Clips powered by Boclips to learn more. It is the video-assisted learning platform that provides educational videos from premier media brands to help teachers safely, seamlessly, and quickly create engaging lessons. myViewBoard Clips is commercial-free, copyright-cleared, and curated for educational subjects.
Learn more insights into video-assisted learning in our full whitepaper: Video-Assisted Learning Insights: The Struggle for Teachers to Access Video Content.