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Tag: workplace design

Monitor Ergonomics – A Checklist
Monitor ergonomics is an important part of the modern workplace. Read our simple guide to maximizing productivity while minimizing strain.

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The Ultimate Guide to Redesigning Offices for Hybrid Work: Principles and Practices
In 2020, the way employees went to work shifted dramatically. Whereas most employees traveled to the office from Monday to Friday, now employees found themselves working from home or attending the office part-time. In this article, we’ll break down key insights we’ve uncovered studying hybrid work and go over the strategies, tools and frameworks companies […]

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Hybrid Work and the Benefits of Flexible Work Schedules
The benefits of flexible work schedules are far-reaching, offering the potential to improve everything from savings to sustainability while simultaneously supporting a happier, healthier workforce.

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5 Workplace Design Trends for Boosting Employee Engagement
Workplace design trends are moving towards boosting employee engagement through both aesthetic and functional improvements. Find out how here.

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Essential Tools for Remote Work
The right tools for remote work make a difference in productivity and enjoyment. Here are a few of the things you need when working from home.

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18 Ways Digital Signage Improves Employee Communications
Digital signage is perfect for promoting internal communication at every level. Find out how it can help information flow in your organization.

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