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Tag: technology in the classroom

What is Blended Learning?
What is blended learning? We've been hearing a lot about it, but it's not easy to give a simple definition. Here is what there is to know!

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Video Conferencing Monitors – 4 Useful Benefits for Education
Video conferencing monitors can benefit teachers and students in and outside of the classroom. Read more about the 4 ways they can help.

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12 Ways to Use Videos for Learning in the Classroom
Using video for learning in the classroom has been around for decades, but with the growth of digital technology in recent years, the range of opportunities is now greater than ever before. Thirty years ago, a teacher might have occasionally wheeled out a television and VHS recorder during class once or twice a term. These […]

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How to Choose an Interactive Whiteboard for Your Classroom
Choosing an interactive whiteboard for your classroom requires understanding several technical features, especially within the context of who and how they serve within the school environment.

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Essential Distance Learning Technology
Making sure your online classroom has the essential distance learning tools is necessary. Learn how to be the best teacher you can be.

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The Advantages of Distance Education
While there are a number of challenges associated with any form of teaching where physical separation is involved, it is also important to understand some of the key advantages of distance education. After all, these various plus points have helped to boost the popularity of distance learning courses and also go some way towards explaining […]

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What is an Inclusive Classroom? And Why is it Important?
What is an inclusive classroom? They are expanding and becoming more important than ever as diversity and inclusivity are key to success!

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Student Engagement Strategies for Learners of All Ages
There are as many student engagement strategies as there are students. But here are four tried-and-tested ways to get learners of any age to engage.

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10 Reasons Education IT Administrators Love Interactive Touch Screen Displays
Find out why education IT administrators love interactive touch screens and why they might be the best for your school.

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