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Centre Your Workspace Strategy Around Your Employees: Employee-Centricity Is Key To Navigating The Future Of Workplace Design And Technologies

Research Background 

Work experiences for employees and employers have evolved since the recent pandemic and while some of these approaches are here to stay — including the preference for remote/hybrid working — new trends have arisen, and with them accompanying challenges.  

Now that restrictions are progressively lifted across the globe, offices are gradually re-opening and organizations are asking their employees to come back, many of whom advocate for more flexible work. These same organizations need to truly understand the impact of the changes in behaviors and find ways to boost their employee well-being efforts.  

Despite their success in offering technology that boosts employee productivity, some organizations struggle to identify the best work practices to keep employees engaged and motivated. Organizations must implement an employee-centered workplace strategy that enables all stakeholders to prosper if they want to have a significant competitive edge in the future of work. 

In August 2022, ViewSonic commissioned Forrester Consulting to analyze both short-term and long-term trends in workplace design strategies and technology investments that help create the ideal environment for employees to thrive. 

This study takes a deep dive into:  

  • What do the future work preferences for knowledge workers look like in a post-pandemic era? What pandemic-driven behaviors are here to stay? 
  • What are the key challenges that organizations face in supporting remote/hybrid work? 
  • How does a physical workspace environment influence employee experience, productivity, and collaboration?  
  • What technology and tools do knowledge workers need to design the right workspace environment?  
  • What is the business impact of restrictive workspace practices? How does it affect employee engagement?  
  • Are hybrid/remote work policies key to remaining competitive in the war for talent? What are the top five benefits of using technology solutions to enable a hybrid/remote work approach? 
  • How can organizations find the right balance between ensuring business performance and delivering optimal employee experience through workspace flexibility?  


Forrester conducted an online survey with 163 business and IT decision-makers and influencers at organizations across APAC, Europe, and North America to explore this topic. 

Key Findings 

  1.  Organizations must adopt an employee-centered workspace strategy that allows all stakeholders to thrive.  
  2. Technology is a key enabler of hybrid work across global organizations.  
  3. The right balance of flexibility and structure is key to creating a healthy workspace culture.  
  4. Many organizations miss the mark in providing an environment that optimizes employee engagement and well-being. 


Interested in learning more? Click on the download button below to access the full study, read more about how to implement the hybrid workplace model in your company, or take a look at ViewSonic’s workplace solutions page for more valuable insights into the modern workplace.


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