
Digital Transaction Management

Simplify all digital transactions with an easy way to sign, secure, and store electronic signatures.

Complex challenges. One simple process.

Sign, secure, and store with ease


Enjoy the hands-on experience of writing with pen and paper with the flexibility of digital technology.

  • multiple types of digital signature possible
  • ability to sign both locally and remotely
  • CRM/ECM integration
  • batch signing of documents for approval processes


Make sure that private data stays private with advanced data encryption on both hardware and software.

  • AES/RSA hardware encryption
  • forgery detection with forensic signature verification
  • Certificate Authority on all signed documents
  • real-time signature verification via email


Upload data to your storage of choice and have full access anywhere and anytime. Then collaborate easily within teams.

  • store documents and signatures on the cloud
  • share easily between team members
  • save time and effort on centralized storage
Case Study

Digitalizing the workflow of a Fortune Global 500 Telecommunication Company

Learn how ViewSonic helped a telecom giant, with more than 900m subscribers, optimize its operation by adopting paperless transaction solution.

    • Anywhere, Anytime

      A truly flexible digital signature

      At Your Business

      ViewSonic's hardware works both as a stand-alone option or integrated with existing POS hardware.

      Upgrade only as much as you need.

      On the Go

      Mobile devices and total connectivity makes it easy to take documents to the signer. Annotate, highlight, and sign all in one place.

      You're no longer limited by location.

      A Variety of Signature Options

      Collect signatures however best works for you. Choose between handwriting, biometric, and purely digital signatures.

      Choose the best option for your needs.

    • Keep Your Data Safe

      Maintain privacy with multiple levels of security

      More than a Signature

      Signatures also collect other data unique to the signer like pressure, speed, and rhythm of the writing.

      Protect the signer's identity no matter what.

      Forensic Signature Verification

      Prevent forgeries in real-time with the additional signature data.

      Instantly flag and report false signatures to prevent both identity theft and fraud.

      Biometric Signature

      Protect sensitive biometric data with asymmetrical encryption via a public key added real-time during recording.

      Or add biometric data to electronic signatures.

    • Save and Access Signatures Anywhere

      Leverage cloud storage for your signed documents

      Save to the Cloud

      Put your documents on an existing cloud storage like OneDrive, Box, and Google Drive.

      Or have your IT staff set up use your own local storage.

      Access Data from Anywhere

      Data on the cloud is available wherever it is needed.

      Make it easy to retrieve documents and signatures anywhere and on any device.

      Improve Workflow

      Easily share electronic signatures and documents with unbroken chains of ownership for seamless collaboration.

      All while keeping the original securely stored.

    A Full Suite of Authentication Devices

    Browse from our wide range of hardware options.

    Contact us for more information

    Let our experts answer your questions