
How Blended learning is different from Hybrid learning?

How Blended learning is different from Hybrid learning?

Blended learning and hybrid learning are not completely different from each other however, there are some differences that separate them. Today due to the changes we are experiencing around the world in every sphere of life and reality, education has changed accordingly as well. If we take a closer look at the evolution of education, primarily due to Covid19 online classes have become the norm. Schools and educational institutions have not been able to hold regular full-time classes. Furthermore, due to various government regulations, all educational institutions have been forced to conduct classes online till further notice. This is a challenging situation for many institutions, and solutions must be implemented to continue education while successfully circumventing the restrictions.

Myviewboard features and benefits for online education:

Myviewboard is an interactive digital whiteboard specially designed to enable teachers and students to share information in a far more engaging manner. Typically, with only video conferencing features as many schools and educational institutions have already implemented, there are numerous restrictions. The features of myViewBoard address such restrictions. Examples of the features that we speak of include immersive reading and live captions. Immersive reading helps readers read more effectively, and provides a number of tools to help the student grasp the information better. One such tool is text to audio, enabling the student to hear the text out loud rather than just read it since it helps them comprehend better.

Additionally, because of the vast number of user-friendly features, it also helps hold the learner’s attention better, thereby enabling more effective absorption of information. Some of the other features of myViewBoard include text handwriting on the interactive whiteboard and quizzes which are essential to test understanding etc. Myviewboard is also compatible with video conferencing software such as zoom, which is necessary for online classes and for live streaming purposes for hybrid learning. Overall, due to the user-friendly and intriguing features that myViewBoard provides, users enjoy utilizing it, and it does allow for a far more enhanced teaching/learning experience.

What are Hybrid learning and blended learning?

Technically speaking they do fall within the same category; however, there are a few differences that separate the two. Hybrid learning is a type of teaching/learning where the teacher holds regular instructor-led classes that are both regular for physically present students as well as streamed online. Students have the option of attending classes online because of the advanced myViewBoard features enabling them to learn and interact better with the class. This additional interaction enables the students attending online classes to have a more realistic and engaging classroom experience while studying. One of the biggest challenges faced initially by teachers with online teaching was holding to the attention of the students; however, myViewBoard has changed all that.

Blended learning is also a form of teaching that is very similar to hybrid learning; however, blended learning refers to the blend of instructor-led teaching with the aid of digital media for the benefit of students physically present in the class as well as those who are located remotely. The overall experience that both sets of students experience will be very similar as the teaching methods use technology, and even the physically present students will benefit from Digital Media's contribution to education. Some of the teaching tools that digital media has introduced to learning/teaching are the use of audio, media clips, sharing of notes and study material among students and teachers rapidly, the ability to use new mediums of knowledge/information not traditionally used such as media files, PPT’s, file sharing and more.


With the changing times, all education institutions will require to upgrade their online educational infrastructure, not because of the pandemic, but because the future of education has arrived. Technology has made itself available in the educational sector and has enhanced the abilities of educational institutions and students to learn alike.

Press Kit

  • [Press Release]  How Blended learning is different from Hybrid learning?