This document describes the warranty terms for all ViewSonic LCD/LED products.

DOA Definition

  • For any ViewSonic’s LED Monitor fails within 7 days from purchase date with the proof of original receipt or invoice.
  • ViewSonic will provide 1 to 1 Replacement to end users based on the product’s limited warranty policy after product verified by ViewSonic or its authorized service representative.
  • Product must be in with original box along with complete accessories & without any physical damage/scratch on the product.
  • If the return unit is NDF (No Defect Found), ViewSonic will reserve the right to return the original unit to End User.

    Channel Partners DOA Period Criteria
    Type of Partner From Manufacture Date From Purchase Date
    LED Monitor
    Distributor Within 60 days DOA period Within 30 days DOA period
    Regional Distributor Within 70 days DOA period Within 30 days DOA period
    SI Within 90 days DOA period Within 21 days DOA period
    End Customer Within 100 days DOA period Within 7 days DOA period
  • * No Distributor/Dealer/Retailer has authority to vary the terms of above DOA Warranty.

All ViewSonic LCD/LED Monitors carry 36 months from date of purchase/ 38 months from month of manufacture whichever is earlier. Warranty valid only for LCD/LED Monitors Purchased on or after 1st October 2017 or Date of Manufacture, 1st September 2017).

LCD/LED Touch models being purchased after Apr. 1st, 2019 will be covered by 24-month Limited warranty terms. The Limited warranty is valid between 24 months from the date of purchase or between 26 months from the date of manufacture whichever is earlier.

This Limited Warranty will automatically terminate on the expiry of the warranty period as specified in the Limited Warranty table, even if product or part may not be in use for any time during the Limited Warranty period for any reason.

  • In case of any unpredicted situation and spares not being available, ViewSonic’s prevailing depreciation policy (subject to the sole discretion of ViewSonic India & could be change without prior notice) will be applied on the product as a solution.
  • No Dealer/Distributor/Retailer has authority to vary the terms of above Limited Warranty.
  • Only courts in state of Delhi and places where ViewSonic India has its corporate office shall have the jurisdiction for settling any claims, disputes arising under the Limited Warranty.

Limited Warranty is confined to the first purchaser of the product and is non-transferable.

  • Limited Warranty is applicable only on producing the purchase tax invoice which mentions the product name and serial number.
  • During the Limited Warranty period, the product will only be repaired by replacing the parts. Entire unit replacement may be done in such a scenario where there are no spares available / model is discontinued.
  • In case the replacement of the entire unit is being made (subject to the sole discretion of the Company), the same model shall be replaced and in the event such model has been discontinued, it shall be replaced with a model equivalent as deemed by the Company. The Limited Warranty on replacement model shall remain in force only for the unexpired period of the Limited Warranty based on original purchase tax invoice.
  • In the event of repairs/replacement of any part/s of the unit, this Limited Warranty will thereafter continue and remain in force only for the unexpired period of the Limited Warranty. Moreover, the time taken for repair/replacement and in transit whether under the Limited Warranty or otherwise shall not be excluded from the Limited Warranty period.
  • The company or its authorized service center, reserves the right to retain any part/s or component/s replaced at its discretion in the event of a defect noticed in the equipment during the Limited Warranty period. The part/s or component/s or unit/s replaced will become the property of the company.
  • The company's obligation under this Limited Warranty shall be limited to repair or providing replacement of part/s only. This Limited Warranty shall not cover any consequential or resulting liability, damage or loss to property or life arising directly or indirectly out of any defect in the product. The maximum claim/s if entertained by the company will be subject to the maximum retail price of the product purchased or amount mentioned in the purchase invoice, whichever is lower.
  • In the event of any unforeseen circumstance, and spares not being available, the company's prevailing depreciation rules will be binding on the purchaser to accept as a commercial solution in lieu of repairs.
  • The Limited Warranty does not cover any accessories external to the equipment like the cables, remote control, batteries, base / stand, adaptor etc.
  • Dust, Bug or Dirt inside the panel not covered under warranty for replacement (The occurrence of dust or dirt on the panel (manifesting in blackish or greyish hues) can be linked to environmental factors. This is particularly noticeable during the rainy season, where temperature on the panel contribute to the build-up of moisture and airborne dust between the cell glass and film).

For units installed beyond municipal limits of the jurisdiction of company’s Authorized Service Center, on-site Limited Warranty is not applicable and it is the responsibility of the customer to contact the nearest authorized service center and bring the unit to the authorized service center at its own cost and risk. All expenses incurred in collecting the units or parts thereof from the company’s authorized service center, as well as expenses incurred in deputizing of service personnel/technicians towards conveyance and other incidentals etc. will be borne by the customer. Local Charges for transportation and handling charges may vary from location to location. Customers are advised to verify beforehand.

Any customer location beyond 100 km radius or outside the Municipal Limits will automatically be governed by the Carry in Service terms.

LCD display: LCD pixel criteria

This article has detail description on how ViewSonic defines LCD pixel criteria for warranty of LCD flat-panel displays.

ViewSonic is committed to customer satisfaction by providing the highest quality products in the industry. The result is that our LCD displays generally have very few non-performing pixels. For example, an 18" SXGA (1280 x 1024) display has nearly 4 million sub-pixels. A product exhibiting 7 non-performing pixels would equate to an extremely small 0.00018 percent of the total sub-pixels.

(1280 Horizontal Pixels) * (1024 Vertical Pixels) * (3 sub-pixels per pixel) = 3,932,160 sub-pixels

[(7 non-performing pixels) / (3,932,160 sub-pixels)] * 100% = 0.00018%

To ensure the highest performing displays, ViewSonic sets limits as to the allowable number of pixel anomalies. ViewSonic has adopted the following pixel criteria to supplement our existing three-year limited warranty. This policy applies to all ViewSonic LCD displays during the warranty period.


17"-19" 2 Bright Sub Pixels, 1 Dark Sub-Pixel or a combination of 3
20" & above 4 Bright Sub Pixels, 3 Dark Sub-Pixel or a combination of 5

It is possible that any replacement display may also have some non-performing sub-pixels. This should be considered when requesting a warranty exchange.


A pixel or picture element, is composed of three sub-pixels in the primary colors of red, green, and blue. At each pixel position in an AMLCD (active matrix liquid crystal display) flat screen monitor, three cells of liquid crystal material form the red, green and blue sub-pixels that together allow the full range of colors to be displayed. Individual transistors are arranged in an array on the rear glass to control each sub-pixel. An anomaly on any one of these individual transistors will cause a bright or dark pixel to appear. These anomalies generally occur only during manufacturing, and additional bright or dark pixels should not appear over time.

pixel criteria

The allowable number of non-performing pixels has a direct impact on the yield of the process. If the industry attempted to set a zero standard, the current manufacturing yield would be so low that the cost of an LCD display would be many times higher than it is today. Luckily, most customers and applications are tolerant of a low level of non-performing pixels and prefer the lower cost that the existing standards allow.