What are the system requirements for running myViewBoard for Windows?

Here are our system requirements for myViewBoard on Windows: myViewBoard system minimum requirements Processor:  Intel Core i5 x86 CPU RAM: 8 GB OS System: Windows 10 Pro Disk Memory: SSD   For more information, see the myViewBoard wiki: https://wiki.myviewboard.com/MyViewBoard_for_Windows

What ports are required to be open in your firewall in order to run the myViewBoard ecosystem?

To properly access the myViewBoard ecosystem (including companion apps) on your network, request your IT department to open the following ports: TCP Port 443 (HTTPS): outbound UDP and TCP port 3478 bidirectional to the WebRTC server UDP Ports 50,000 – 65,535 (RTP/sRTP/RTCP) bidirectional to the WebRTC peers These ports are optional; if b...

Get a myViewBoard extension update once it’s available

Normally updates happen in the background when you close and reopen your computer's browser. If you haven't closed your browser in a while, you might see a pending update. To see which updates are available follow the steps below: 1. On your computer, open Chrome. 2. At the top-right, look for the myViewBoard icon. 3. If an update is pend...

Which iOS versions are supported on the myViewBoard app?

The myViewBoard app supports iOS 9.0 and newer.

Which web browser is the best for running myViewBoard.com?

It is suggested that you use Google Chrome Browser with myViewBoard.com as most features are only available on Chrome.

How do I activate myViewBoard for Android

On first run, the android app prompts the user to select the account type to activate.  For a personal account: Click Personal. Provide a myViewBoard account to activate the application. myViewBoard Name Email address to receive the activation email. Specify a Theme. Click Submit. The app may automatically close at this point....

Why I cannot see Participate Mode?

Participate Mode is a feature in Whiteboard for Windows, which requires: ·       Windows OS build version 1903 or later ·       Whiteboard version or later     To check the Windows OS build version, go to: Settings > System > About. To check the Whiteboard for Windows version: 1.         Open Whiteboard for Windows. 2.   ...

Whiteboard update requires administrative privilege (v.2.61)

For many myViewBoard users, the Whiteboard for Windows software automatically updates monthly so the user can always have the best user experience.    In the next release (v.2.61), there will be an update to Certificate Authenticator in Whiteboard for Windows which will require the user to grant administrator privileges for the update.   Fo...

How to change default setting of Three-Finger Touch Gesture on Windows 11?

The Windows 11 system has three-finger/four-finger gesture enabled by default.   To change the default touch gesture settings on your Windows 11 Slot-in PC, please do the following:       1. Select Start > Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Touch.  2. Select Three- and four-finger touch gestures > Off.

Why can't I save/update files in Google Drive (Android 11)?

Whiteboard for Android users on Android 11 may experience an issue where they are unable to "SAVE" new updates to an existing file in Google Drive. We recommend that users on Android 11 devices using Google Drive integration save their new edits by:     1. Choosing "Save As" and creating a new file.     2. Saving the new updates to th...

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