After over a decade of running its exhibition, the Hellenic IT Museum was looking to update its installations. Hosting guided tours for local schools on a regular basis called for bringing more interactivity to keep younger audiences engaged and interested in the presented works.
The institution was eager to introduce an alternative that could be both engrossing and scalable. The main objective was to replace the traditional printed posters and pamphlets with more engaging multimedia contents.
To answer these prerequisites, the Hellenic IT Museum needed a large interactive display that could accommodate large crowds of visitors while remaining easy and intuitive to operate, both for the museum’s administration and its guests.

Why ViewSonic
To modernize its exhibition and better accommodate its young audience, the H. I. T. M. reached out to ViewSonic to implement a ViewBoard, a robust and reliable interactive whiteboard, paired with versatile software in an effort to replace outdated printed assets and create more engaging visits for large crowds of visitors.
The solutions implemented by ViewSonic at the H. I. T. M. empowered the museum team with new tools to offer more immersive and engaging visits.
1. Display for large groups
The ViewBoard IFP5550-3 interactive whiteboard, with its large 4K 55” display and easy viewability from any angle, offers the perfect medium for multimedia exhibitions for large groups of visitors. The touchscreen also caters to a younger audience being instantly recognizable as a familiar medium to interact with.
2. Engaging visits
The myViewBoard Whiteboard software makes it possible to annotate and draw directly on multimedia contents, facilitating explanations and connection with the audience during tours.
The myViewBoard Companion app, installed on the guides’ smartphones, as well as its useful laser pointer function, provides guides with the tools for more interactive multimedia presentations, allowing them to conveniently highlight important information and maintain the attention of audiences.
After implementing its ViewSonic IFP5550-3 ViewBoard 55’’ 4K, the H. I. T. M. staff immediately noticed higher satisfaction levels from both teachers and students alike. All the teachers and over 97% of the students admitted that the IFP5550-3 ViewBoard 55’’ 4K helped staying focused during the presentations contributing to the overall better visit experience. All the teachers and nearly 95% of the students consider that using a ViewBoard improved the information retention during guided visit presentations.