Talk to your ViewSonic representative about how we can help define and implement a comprehensive 21st Century Classroom Solution that includes Doceri wireless audiovisual control.
Available components of the ViewSonic solution include the following – all compatibility tested and preconfigured for ease of integration:
- Front of classroom display
- Instructional software
- Classroom PCs/tablets
- Mobile teaching software
- Secondary A/V input devices
- Auxiliary audio
- Student response system
- A/V device management/wall plate controls
- Classroom management hardware/software
Your district has embraced interactive technology as critical to successful 21st century learning. But managing interactive content can be cumbersome and confining to teachers. You need a good wireless content management solution.
Along with its many advantages, interactive classroom technology can present logistical challenges. In order to manipulate and manage content teachers often are confined to close proximity with their desktop PC/laptop, constraining their ability to circulate through the room. Recognizing the importance of instructor mobility, the ViewSonic® 21st Century Classroom Solution features Doceri® remote A/V control software from SP Controls, a leader in easy-to-use, cost-conscious audiovisual control technology for classrooms. Easily installed on an instructor’s PC/laptop and mobile device such as tablet or Smartphone, Doceri enables teachers to manage their PC/laptop from their mobile device. This gives instructors real time control of the front-of-room display along with the ability to move freely around the room. Teachers are empowered to deliver engaging, interactive lessons on the classroom display, while retaining the mobility to assist students and ensure they’re on task and meeting educational objectives. Teachers who have used Doceri for a year almost unanimously (94%) report that this mobility enables them to better manage their classrooms, and 86% percent also find that their students are more engaged. As one teacher noted: “I love that I am not stuck behind my computer... With Doceri, I can teach and circulate to help with classroom management. The students like that… I can sit or stand by them and still teach and write on the screen.”
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